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Brazil And The Vaccines: Where Are We At Now? And Where Do We Go From Here? | Her Campus

Recently, the president Jair Bolsonaro has been spreading the ranking that Brazil is the fourth country that vaccinated the most people as a way of advertising the federal government. However, in terms of proportions, Brazil is ranked 67th.

Indigenous Gastronomy: What We Inherit From These People In Our Cuisine | Her Campus

In countries brutally stolen from their native people, it is no surprise some of their steps seem to disappear throughout the years. You have probably been to a city named after an indigenous language or bought something from a brand that uses their cultural symbols as a marketing strategy.

Sobre mim

Estudo Jornalismo na Faculdade Cásper Líbero desde 2021. Apaixonada por escrita e pela língua portuguesa, escrevo sobre política, cultura, saúde e diversos outros temas.

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